I don’t know how many of you have seen the hilarious movie starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman called: Bucket List. http://www.vh1.com/movies/movie/303327/photos.jhtml
The concept the movie revolved around was that 2 guys that didn’t know each other became friends after finding out that they only had a short time to live. Nicholson played an ultra rich entrepreneur that has the funds and wherewithal to finance the couples wildest and previously unfulfilled wishes. Their “bucket list” :(as in things to do before they kicked the bucket)caused them to embarked on a journey to “do it all” that included….. skydiving, hunting, skiing, and race car driving.
It got me wondering what would be on my own “Poor Italian Boy’s bucket list”, if my doctor gave me just 30 days to live. I’d like to think that I’ve done and accomplished most of what I set out to do in life, but still managed to come up with a “Wish List” list of things I’d still like to do before I kick the bucket. (in no certain order). As I got to thinking about it, some of the things I thought I really wanted to do, and even some of the things I thought were a priority for me, now really didn’t seem quite so important. (see items marked NSI or “Not So Important”, below) It’s also funny, that if you take the need for money and material things off the list, how it really changes. (in fact half of my list somehow doesn’t seem so important already) Maybe we should all take some time and think about what we really want to do and accomplish in this life.
Well, here’s my List: (subject to change..of course)
1> Make lotsa Money: (N.S.I)…who needs it after this month anyway ..as long as I kick it before my Am/Ex bill is due ( I won’t be around for that “final notice”)
2> Skydiving: (N.S.I)…I want’a at least be around until my “due date” (no since rushing things, by jumping out of perfectly good airplanes)
3> Buy Big House; (N.S.I)…I’ll be living it up on the road for the next month and then won’t be home much after that.
4> Get season tickets to my favorite teams…(N.S.I)..I can always watch the last few games on T.V. (they probably aren’t going to the playoffs anyway)
5> Mountain climbing (N.S.I)…I really never felt like doing it when I had plenty of time left, why would I want to start now ? ( I don’t even like climbing the stairs)
6> Throw Osama Bin Ladin : in a rear naked choke hold ..with no “Tap Out Rule” ..This ones a keeper
7> Spend Time with Family & Friends…make sure I take the time to say …”I love you”
8> Screw the IRS and the doctor who gave me the bad news out of their last payment ..ahhh..there is a God. (the doctor has since gracefully given me a few extra days to live, to make sure he gets my insurance payment first)
9> One night with Pamela Anderson and Angelina JoLee: ok..4 minutes will do…I really don’t want to hear what that have to say. (PS…I’m just trying to spread the Joy ..I heard that my name was on their wish list/Bucket List also) sorry Brad and Kid Rock…
10> Patch up my personal relationship with my Maker…(hey this should be #1 priority anyway .. especially right about now)
11> Enjoy every Sunrise and Sunset
12> Break the Bank at Las Vegas….ok…maybe that’s asking for too much. After all, nobody wins out there. ( they didn’t build those casinos, running a “make a wish foundation”
13> Do something nice for someone less fortunate than me, maybe a guy that only has 15 days left before he earns his wings. (there is always someone less fortunate then ourselves)
14> ”Eat some good Italian food every night” ..because it’s as close to heaven as you can get.
15> Oh…one last thing…maybe find a cure for what ever is killing me, so I can hang around for a while longer…
I’ve been thinking…you know, maybe we should all give some thought to the important things we want to do or accomplish before our time comes, because we may just not get that 30 day advanced warning….
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