OK, let me start off by saying that I love this country. I have wanted to write this article for a while, but held off until now. I remained silent in fear that others would see me as anti-American, or somehow less than patriotic, nothing could be father from the truth. America has been the greatest country and social experiment in history. I could easily recount the epic battles and milestones that this country has survived and overcome, but things have changed. It is time for Americans with courage to speak up and take action. We need to put aside partisan politics and do what’s right for our country.
There will be those among you who after reading this will consider me a pessimist, a naysayer, or even worse. I can only say that the truth is sometimes painful. The greater danger, the real disservice to my country, would be for me to bury my head in the sand and keep waiving the flag, while uttering pleasantries about times gone by. I have written many articles expounding on my patriotism and love for these United States, but now my duty lies in illuminating the not so subtle signs of our demise. Without action by well meaning citizens, and if left un-checked; we will spiral downward. Freedom was never free, it takes action, it takes vigilance and commitment; it must be nurtured.
For those of you who won’t open your eyes, for those of you that don’t believe we have headed down a slippery slope; keep your head in the sand, go over a read a blog about Paris Hilton or the Easter Bunny. Let me be blunt, America is in a state of decay, both economically, socially, morally, and in the eyes of other world leaders. Our citizens are deeply divided on many issues. If we continue down this path, we will be nothing more than a hollow shell, a paper tiger, a third world nation. Military might alone does not make a nation right or great. We do not need to follow this path.
History is replete with the demise of great world powers that had risen to power and splendor, only to waste away from the inside. Yes, I said from the inside, not by military defeat, not by natural disaster, but by loss of resolve and cohesion. Great Britton, China, Germany, The Soviet Union, and Rome have all given up their dominant positions in the endless ebb and tide of World Power. Most of them had turned their backs on their faith, had over extended their sphere of power and their military, and many had overspent their budgets (sound familiar?) In general, these once great nations moved away from the principles, concepts, and core believes, that once made them great.
The fall from greatness is seldom a rapid plunge, but is often a more insidious descent down a slippery slope of failed policies, false pride, inaction, and misdeeds. In many cases the populace becomes complacent and allows leaders and politicians to go unchecked. They stand quietly by and comply with or acquiesce to, actions taken by the government that move the country in the wrong direction.
Allow me to use a metaphor to illustrate my point:
Imagine America as a great fortress on a hill. This fortress that we call America, has been our home and kept us safe for a long time, it has been like a shining beacon to the rest of the world, it has allowed us to grow and prosper. The founders of our country were the original architects and engineers. Their need was great, their blueprint was sound. The plans were well considered and laid out, the foundation was strong. The builders were careful to avoid the haste and missteps taken by failed architects from other times and other lands. Over the years many a brave and insightful man has given much and lent a hand in building this great fortress, and many, too many, have given there life’s to insure its strength. This dream was created carefully, brick by brick to be the greatest shinning example the world has ever known.
Over time, new generations were handed the keys to this great fortress, but they did not labor and toil over its construction. They did not fully recognize or appreciate the blood and sacrifices of those that came before them. These same people have not given weight to the service and loss of life that some of their own generation, willingly gave, to insure the future of the fortress. Over time, the mighty fortress on the hill fell into disrepair, yet the citizens could not see the gradual changes. The fortress is strong and will always be there, they thought. Besides, we are too busy with our businesses and daily life to attend to these minor things.
Everyone can see what is happening, but it’s like taking down a great building one brick at a time. Some of the bricks are taken away one at a time by the town’s people with no ill intent. Maybe they just need a brick or two for their own homes. They feel they deserve a brick or two, after all they are citizens, or maybe they have intentions of replacing the borrowed brick one day. Can anyone fault them for that? Then there is another group that hates America, and wants us to fail, they are also silently chipping away in the shadows at the great wall, brick by brick. They realize that a sudden frontal attack on the fortress would fail, but few will notice if they chip away inch by inch.
It’s strange because surely the people who loved this magnificent creation would revolt, if the building was subject to the sudden attack of a wreaking ball, but this method is much more subtle, more sinister and insidious. Like a thief in the night, each brick disappears with hardly a notice (its only one brick, hardly cause for alarm, the politicians would answer. The fortress is still strong, do not worry) The masses do not even notice, and the few astute observers that do, are ignored, ridiculed or silenced. On a daily basis the building still looks sound and strong. How can the loss of a single brick affect the strength and structure of such a massive building? Brick by brick, day by day, almost unnoticeably, the fortress weakens, and over time it’s strength and foundation are under minded and the once great structure collapses. Where once stood a monument to its creators now stands a structure in need of repair.
I believe we have taken a giant step backwards in several key areas: (to continue my analogy)
Economics: We lost a brick when we let our steel manufacturing business go under, we lost a brick when we let our automobile industry become a second class player (and now on the verge of bankruptcy). And now more damage when the American dollar and American credit are in doubt and decline around the world.
Oil: We chipped away at our fortress when cut back domestic oil production, we did not invest in new refineries, and let trumped up environmental concerns keep us from drilling in the Gulf and ANWR. As a result we became almost totally energy independent on foreign sources.
Laws: We weakened the mortar when we allowed some of our civil liberties to be watered down
Politics: When deeply divided we weakened our foundation. It harms us to elect self serving and inefficient politicians into office, that vote down party lines; right or wrong. (these guys negate the vote of the true civil servants)
World community: We destabilize our structure when we let much of the world doubt our word, our resolve and strength.
Moral decay: We can undermine our entire base when we forget that this country was established with a belief in God.
America is still the only place I would want to live. I love this country but can no longer stand quietly by, because we have real problems that need to be addressed. Can we come out of it, can we return to greatness, can we turn this great ship around? Can we once again become the shining example for the rest of the world to follow? I submit to you that it depends on each of us. I ask you to make a personal decision: Are you going to be vigilant, working at the front gate of our fortress? Will you pledge your efforts and add a brick to rebuild and strengthen our country. Or will you join those in the shadows who would see us fail, or thru apathy, take another brick away ?
If you agree, disagree, or if you have a solution write me at: pooritalianboy@gmail.com . I’d like to include your ideas, when I write my article on “How to Rebuild America”
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