Tuscan Villa

Tuscan Villa
now thats Italian

Saturday, April 11, 2009


It seems that every year there are hundreds of new technology words added to the American lexicon. Some of them are a harbinger for new advancements that are destined to soon become household words. Some, just sound kind’a cool and catchy to me, like “Telepresence”. With advance in computers, chips, and robotics, things that seem impossible, or beyond the reach of the average Joe today, are often common place a mere 10 years from now.
Unless I’m wrong telepresence or virtual presence is the next big thing. Just as man once looked to the sky and wished he could fly, today’s dreamers think about instantly transporting our bodies to distant places. In my opinion there is a significant technology gap to cross before we can teleport ourselves to another place, but teleprense is already a reality. Hey, why resort to conventional travel or send your atoms floating across the world if you can be where you need to be using the telepresence concept.
Communications giant Cisco seems to have a big head start in this arena (see their web site at: http://cisco.com/?POSITION=SEM&COUNTRY_SITE=us&CAMPAIGN=HNE&CREATIVE=Travel+Less&REFERRING_SITE=Google&KEYWORD=cisco+telepresence
In fact, in the example I saw, they depicted a women working from her home office via large screen T.V.. At her office workplace many miles away, there was another large screen T.V. situated behind a reception area desk and the receptionist could interact with other workers and customers, just as if she were there. Check out a few sample videos at these links:
Originally conceived as a way to have meetings with counterparts in far off places, the technology is evolving to more practical uses. The social and economic implications are far reaching, and cost savings for businesses and individuals can be tremendous. Companies can have individual or group meetings with associates and customers globally, all without the ensuing cost and inconvenience of travel. A national company with hundreds of customer service branch offices can staff each one with less people and add few tele-screens, from the home office.
Imagine the upgrades to your quality of life if you could just flip on your camera and T.V. monitor from your home office each day instead of traveling to work. You could just sit behind your desk in your home office and interact with all your friends, customers, and business associates at work, just like you were sitting right there. Now, I’m not referring to one of those inexpensive video camera that transmits jerk video and mounts on top of your computer screen. This system is high definition, live time, picture and sound.
Newer versions of virtual presence under development would actually project a full sized 3-d , 360 degree image of a person right into the room with the others you are “communicating with”. They would feel like you were in the room with them, and you would be aware of not only the other person, but also the surrounding environment. Even in the early stages this complex system presents an image so real looking that it will have the hair on the back of your neck stand up. You could literally attend a meeting in San Diego in the morning, New York in the afternoon, and Paris in the evening; and still be home in time for your kid’s soccer game at 6pm.
I’m sure as the science behind this technology progresses and the retail price gets driven down, this could become a household appliance. I also see no reason to stop at using this great tool just for phone calls. I can see enterprising businessmen using the projection system for other profitable enterprises.
Can you imagine, surfing a virtual internet library of software for your new image generator. Peruse thru a large selection of pre-recorded material and select the data you are interested in. Next simply run your credit card and have instant access to the 3-D hologram of your choice. In seconds you could be having a face to face interaction with anyone from the president of the United States to the star of your favorite T.V. show. Talk about “Pay-for View”, this enterprise could be the next General Motors ( ok bad example).
Take that a step forward and imagine watching a new blockbuster movie, but this time on the outside of your television. How about having a nice visit with your daughter that is away at college in Hawaii. Of course it’s not as good as being there but it’s pretty close. Parents and relatives could also pre-record their images and thoughts on life, to be passed on to their children, who could view them in fond remembrance.
I’m so intrigued with this technology that I have been working on my own version at home. I’m thinking that I could better engage my readers if I could present my image as a hologram right in their homes, next to their computer screens. So, if you’d like the company of the “Poor Italian Boy” just click the link below and I’ll join you right at home or work. Please excuse my informal dress code, but it is kind’a short notice… (for the full P.I.B. sight and smell experience dice a few pieces of garlic first)
If my image doesn’t pop up in a few seconds..try clicking it again..
Ok, so just sit back and get ready to be astounded….

Ok…Close…we’ve got the body type zeroed in…..let me just adjust the link a little …ok: This should do it…

Getting closer….but I guess I need to do a little more work on this thing..
OK, maybe your spam filter blocked me out. ….I guess, maybe I’m a better writer than a hologram generating guy…you can’t have it all… Just try again in a few years and I bet we will get the chance to meet. Until then…….just stop by..I made extra sauce.
Please feel free to contact me at: pooritalianboy@gmail.com

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