I had a strange dream last night, I just returned from a one year research expedition to the south pacific. Most of my time was spent traveling from island to island in search of a fabled island kingdom from many years ago. My journeys lead me to a small uninhabited island far out to sea. I set up my camp on the now uninhabited island and lived and worked there alone for almost 6 months. As I mapped and explored the tiny island I began to accumulate more and more artifacts and written records found in caves. It was evident there was once a rich civilization here.
My guides and collogues on the research ship, recanted stories of a kingdom and civilization that had existed in this area hundreds of years ago. It was rumored that the natives of this island had left the much larger island of Europa, where they felt oppressed, and had little food and opportunity, seeking adventure and freedom.
Records from early supply ships that returned from this new land suggested that the brave few that had left were creating a new utopia. They had elected a new king and group of leaders that wanted peace and prosperity for their people. This greatly angered the King and leaders of Europa, but the distance was great and they soon cut off any supply ships and left the inhabitants of the tiny island alone, to wither away.
It became evident that the new kingdom would not just wither away, in fact the island thrived. The land was rich, and natural resources were plentiful; the people rugged and strong. The island nation developed a reputation for building the best quality canoes and its farms helped feed many other islands. The nation brought in wealth with its many exports. The leaders were bold and unselfish; they toiled and sacrificed to bring peace and prosperity to their people.
After many years the leaders and people began to loose focus, they abandoned many of the principles and ideals that compelled them to make the dangerous journey to this island in the first place. They leaders became greedy and imposed high taxes on their people. The people lost their motivation to work hard and produce. They were comfortable, and lulled into inaction.
The leaders wanted more, and tried to impose their ideals on other island, some quite distant from their own. This policy stretched the resources and weakened the economy of the island nation. Warriors were sent to these other islands to fight great wars and many of them never returned.
After many years the island began to loose some of its initial appeal. The canoe builders let their quality decline and soon the demand for their canoes decreased, in fact some of the islanders were now importing canoes from abroad. Many of the inhabitants began sending their wealth back over seas, followed by their ideas, and eventually the wealthier and most ambitious subjects left the island altogether. Over time more and more of the people left this island, and today I find only the remains of a once great civilization here.
My time here has come to an end. As my comrades and the research ship pick me up I feel sad and shed a tear, as I leave the island myself, I wonder what could have been, if the people had stayed true to their original intents.
Wow.. I wonder what that all meant? Good thing this was just a dream ……..
CONTCAT ME: pooritalianboy@gmail.com

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