Tuscan Villa

Tuscan Villa
now thats Italian

Thursday, December 25, 2008

DAILY NEWS 12/24/08


I’ve decided to add a new feature to my blog called: Daily News,( Actually it won’t be daily, it will be more like whenever I feel like reporting it) as seen by P.I.B. I feel compelled to add this feature for several reasons, not the least of which is because there is always something to write about.

Most writers worth their salt, can take a meaty subject and run with it, the problem is coming up with something interesting to write about. Here’s where the daily news comes into play. There is something always happening in the news. In fact, real life is often stranger than fiction (honest, I couldn’t make up half the stuff that happens on a daily basis worldwide).

I know, you are thinking, “If I want news, I’ll turn on CNN or Fox”.. Wrong, you want news in a entertaining format. Hence I.N.N. or “Italian News Network”. (I wanted P,I,B.N.N, or poor Italian Boy News Network, but it just didn’t fit with the whole 3 letter news format) Here at I.N.N. (not I.N.S.) you get news, as seen thru my eyes and warped sense of humor. The Beauty of it is, you know up front that I’m not going to be “Fair and Balanced”. Another plus, you have my word I also will not alter or dilute my editorial comments or contents; or bow to the wishes of large advertisers (until such time as I sign them on ..then I will suck up to them just like the big news channels do)

You know if this whole news anchor thing works out for me, I may even have to change the name of my Blog.. to “Ravings R.I.B”. (Rich Italian boy)..Has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it ?

And Now Today’s news: (dateline 12/24/08) ..I always wanted to say that.:

Real Headlines and Real News from the P.I.B. newsroom

Headline: Amtrak train Passengers stranded for 23 hours.

Train passengers were stranded due to inclement weather for up to 23 hours in trains and cold waiting rooms with frozen toilets. Some had little food or water..

P.I.B. Commentary : I can’t picture my self stranded on a train for 23 hours. What were the buried in an avalanche in the Alps..I mean its not like you are on a boat at sea. Why didn’t they walk away, take a greyhound, sled dog, or something. As to the frozen toilets ..no wonder the trains were stranded, it seems the railroad hasn’t discovered heat and running water yet.. (also, anyone with a candle or Bick lighter could have defrosted the toilets and solved the water shortage

Headline: Scientists warn that Christmas lights harm the planet.

Scientists say that Christmas lights use a lot of power and cause emissions that harm the planet.

P.I.B. Commentary : I would have to say to the scientist involved ..”Get a life”, maybe you can get a grant to study the green house effect of leaving a night light on. Also, the same scientist was heard saying “the sky is falling, the sky is falling”

Remember: I couldn’t make this stuff up. That’s it for today from the P.I.B. news room…


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