“One Brick at a Time”
If you read my previous article: “The Demise of America”, you realize that I believe our country has taken a wrong turn. In many cases, America is in a state of decline, both economically, politically, and morally. I feel that to begin our recovery, we need to first acknowledge our mistakes and misdeeds.
I love this country and I know we can reverse the damage we have done, however, we must begin the process in earnest and we must begin now. It’s important that we do not underestimate the size and complexity of the job we have before us, nor the amount of commitment and effort that will be required. This rebuilding initiative will be a monumental task, accomplished “one brick at a time”.
This task is too important to leave solely to our elected officials. To propel our country to new heights of greatness will require a grass roots effort by all Americans. The job is simply too big for the congress or even the president to tackle alone. I think president Obama, would welcome the help and support of all Americans. In addition, we need to make our elected officials painfully aware that nothing, short of their full attention and cooperation on this effort will be acceptable
As I mentioned, there is a lot of work to be done on many fronts, but here is my
Top Ten “starter” list:
(in no particular order)
Partisan politics: This country was founded on Political debate and tolerance for different points of view. My concern is that the constituents are so divided on most issues that it’s hard to get a consensus. The two party system seems to have drifted to the far left and far right, leaving the centrist to choose between the best of two evils. Sometimes, after an election, I get the feeling that the names have changed, and the balance of power has shifted, but that we are in for more of the same. We may need a solid Third party to offer some balance (maybe the “freedom party”)
Welfare state: Government is not our surrogate mother. I believe in helping people in need, not creating a needy class of people. Our government can not, and should not, be responsible for cradle to grave care for otherwise self sufficient people.
Immigration: America, is truly the great melting pot, Immigration has made us strong. But, today we have people who are entering the country for the wrong reasons or illegally. These un- documented immigrants are undermining our economy and our security, as well as bringing in once controlled or eradicated diseases. Although many of these individuals just want to work and share in our wealth, others are penetrating our borders to do us harm. In short, we need to control our borders.
Economic foundation/Jobs: We have to fix our ailing economy before we can work on some of the other needs. America’s free trade economy is the engine that drives our country forward. When our economy is healthy it creates jobs, strengthens the dollar, and helps provide increased tax money to run the government. The vast majority of Americans are motivated, hard working individuals. They don’t want a handout, they want honest work. We need to reward American and foreign companies for creating jobs that can be filled with American workers.
Bail outs/ no more: What ever side of this bailout business you land on, the banks, car manufacturers, brokerage firms, and insurance agencies, need to know, after this “you are on your own”. Business must succeed or fail on the merits of their own efforts, and with their own capital. The American people will not be there to offer you a soft landing again.
War/ division: If and when America goes to war we need to be 100% sure it’s the only alternative and then we must stand united, behind our troops. There are real fundamental differences and threats in the world for us to be concerned about, any one of which could threaten our national interest and cause us to go to war or be attacked. Iran/Middle east/Israel, Korea, and others, all represent a real and present danger, we can’t ignore these realities or close our eyes to them.
As far as I’m concerned..It’s “ All in or All Out”. War is not the issue for politicians to play political poker with (and we better not let them). Let me repeat, war is a terrible, but sometimes necessary option. We should only exercise that option after all other options have been exhausted and then only to protect ourselves and our vital interests. However, if we do need to go to war, we need to do so to win it and get out.
Put America First: It’s important to be a good world citizen and it’s nice to help others, but let’s get our own house in order first. I’m not advocating that we turn our back on our friends, but put our needs first. We have a responsibility to our own citizens that surpasses that of our neighbors.
Energy Independence: We need to drill & reward alternates energy development: Drilling may have some sort term environmental downside, but so will a nuclear attack on us. The cost to our economy and national security out weigh other concerns. As a side note here, we also need to reduce our foreign debt dependence, much like reliance on foreign energy; it also makes us indebted and subservient to other nations
Build a bridge: It’s a small world, and we are only one player. We no longer wield the same economic and political clout we once had. Let’s drop the arrogance and begin building better relations with other countries (both economic and political)
Home land security: In short: “Beef it Up” ..Our citizens need to understand that we can’t stop every threat from getting thru. We must stop some before they start, and that can only be done with better intel, at home and abroad. As president Bush has repeatedly said: “we have to be right every time, and they only have to be right once” Forget the other items on this list if we can’t control this one. Because without homeland security its, none of the above may be possible, its game over.
It’s been said that freedom was never free, there is a cost. Other generations have paid the price to make America safe, to make America strong, and now it’s our turn. The election may be over but the hard work has just begun. Let’s bring back American pride and unity, like right after 9/11. Let’s begin to rebuild America “Brick by Brick”. We can make her stronger and better than ever.
Feel free to contact me at pooritalianboy@gmail.com
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