Tuscan Villa

Tuscan Villa
now thats Italian

Sunday, June 14, 2009


“Millionaire Businessmen and Investor wants to share his secrets of success”
I’ve always been enamored with the newest fads of “Get Rich Quick” schemes. Frankly I’ve had enough trouble using the “get rich very slowly and painfully” method. To me, its kind’a like a weight loss program, everyone wants the results, but we all want them right now, without putting in the effort and time. Sure, someone in the world has lost weight by just eating Subway sandwiches, but that doesn’t mean it will work for me.
In my experience, the only ones that get rich quick, are the fella’s selling the rest of us poor slobs the “secret programs, books, seminars, home based business programs, and C.D.’s”. I have to hand it to most of them, they are astute marketers. These guys know exactly what buttons to push in their advertising and info-mercials to get “Joe Average” to the point where he is willing to forgo a cold case of beer for their “secret advice”. They follow a time tested formula to reach and entice Mr. Average, who is sitting up channel surfing at 2:15 in the morning, to whip out his credit card and order.
The advertising, web sites, and promotional materials are usually well designed to get your attention, and entice you to act quickly. Most offer a minimum of facts and details until after you commit. The offer is also usually for a limited time, or only for limited number of lucky applicants. (Remember, these guys are often master marketers, snake oil salesmen, and pitchmen). In many cases you still have all your warning lights and buzzers going off, however its not hard to convince yourself that “its worth a try” (its almost like Las Vegas gambling ..you know you will probably loose, but the chance of winning draws you in like a moth to a flame).
The rich/ultra successful guy, television spots are replete with fancy cars, boats, beautiful people, and mansions. The underlying message is: Just send me your $99.95 and you will have all this great stuff also. They will interview a few alumni from their course that have made it big, as if to infer; if this guy can do it, so can you. (and you can accomplish this all in only 10 or 12 hours a week, working from home in your jammies).
These get rich quick guru’s seem to be predominant in real estate, stock, and direct marketing. (aka pyramid scheme). The truth is they have a very willing audience to pitch to. The average “ham and egger”, gets up early every day and puts in his average 40 to 50 hour work week and brings home a pay check every Friday. At the end of the month, when he is done paying bills, there never seems to be much left to save or spend freely. Everyone secretly desires to get off the subway and onto the “gravy train”.
Deep in every American’s heart, is the desire to strike off on his own, to be an entrepreneur, to shed the bonds of an hourly pay check, to achieve the American dream.(and to be honest with you, I think every one should at least take one turn at bat and swing for the fences).
Every one sends in their money or 3 equal payments of $119.95 and then waits anxiously by the mailbox for their package to come in. Meanwhile, our mindset is that we might as well turn in our two weeks notice at work because everyone on the commercial said they were able to leave their full time jobs with all the easy money that this new system would bring in.
We figure we can’t go wrong because there is a satisfaction guarantee. When it does arrive we can hardly wait to tear open the box and begin reviewing the C.D’s and printed material. Some of the material is instructional and some motivational. (like a placebo).
The truth of the matter is that some of the people who try the program actually do succeed to one level or another. Unfortunately the “Top Earners” are usually the first ones that get in, or those that have the largest down line organization. (friends and acquaintances)
The basic concept is that almost everyone can sell their family members, do a few presentations or house parties, and close a few friends, and then they quickly loose interest. In many cases each new “associate” makes a few sales but also had to purchase a small level of stock inventory that usually ends up in the garage covered with cob webs. With each new associate that churns thru the revolving door, the parent company makes money.
In closing, I would say that it’s almost always worth being curious and taking time to investigating a new opportunity. I would recommend that you thoroughly do your research and ask for references of people who have succeeded in the organization. (not just the few trophy examples on the web site) Bottom line is that there are some great new opportunities out there that can generate significant wealth, but there are also a lot of scams. So, I wouldn’t rush to quit your day job until you are convinced that you have a viable and long term business opportunity in place first.
Please feel free to contact me at: pooritalianboy@gmail.com

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